On YeLlOw Is PrEtTy AnD dOeS nOt ClAsH aT aLl..... ^_^;; Seriously, this
is a page I've wanted to do for a looooong time. The Beatles literally
changed music as we know it, wrote some of the best songs of this century
or any other, and were just damn cool. I can't believe I'm a fan
of a group that my mother worshipped. Uh. Growing up sucks...
-_-;; Oh, and the Monkees are here too. Even though I DON'T
see many similarities between them and the Beatles, I didn't know where
else to shove them and this seemed like the place....
is my favorite, and also one of my main idols and inspirations. This
makes it very hard for me to write anything about him, because I tend to
be REALLY biased. The fact that he's dead doesn't help either, in
fact that just really makes me feel bad whenever I think about it. -_-;;
I love the sarcastic, smartass way he's portrayed in the Beatles' movies,
but the truth is that's not John (Although, I personally will believe that
he was a smartass as a teenager until the day that I die. How could
he not be? Come on!). In truth, John Lennon was one of the
most complicated people on the face of the planet. That's the other
thing that makes writing about him hard. -_-;; I think that the only
person who ever truly understood him was Yoko, and that makes me REALLY
admire her, even if she kind of scares me. ^_^; She seems like an intelligent
and creative woman too, if not an overly talented singer. Anyway,
back to John. ^_^;; Of all the Beatles, he's the one that I know
the least about. I prefer that it stay that way - it's hard to learn the
short comings of the people that you truly admire, because it forces you
to see them as only human. I'd really just like to remember him by
his ideals and his genius for music, and let biographers and stuff handle
the rest. The kind of clothes he wore, or the gruesome details of
his tragic death just never really interested me. I do read things
that John himself has said or written, and find him more insightful and
right about things in general than most people. If he had written
an autobiography, I would definitely read it. But I don't think it's
necessary, because he more than bares his soul in his songs, and especially
the later ones. And on my shallow side, he was hot when he was young.
^_^;; Then he sort of grew into a creepy child molester-type look.
Ok, it wasn't that bad. ^_^; Really, lots of people admire John and most
of them started after he died. Somehow, after that all of his weirdness
made perfect sense. Sadly, many people hated him while he was alive
just because his ideas were different. NEWS FLASH - ALL INNOVATORS'
IDEAS SEEM DIFFERENT AT FIRST!!! -_-;; Geez... By the way, does anyone
else find it super creepy that in A Hard Day's Night, the manager
tells him to, "sit down John, or I'll murder you." Or that he sleeps
IN A HOLE IN THE GROUND in Help!? That's WAY too ironic for
me. 0_o;;
is less depressing because he's still alive NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE SAYS!
^_^;; Of course, his overly cool wife Linda recently died and and that
really sucks. I think she was cooler than Paul was, she seemed like
she was a very strong woman who was really willing to fight for what she
believed in. And she took a lot of crap from Paul's jealous fans
too. On the flip side, Paul scores points for marrying for love and
not looks. I mean, Linda was very pretty but she was no beauty queen
and Paul pretty obviously could have had near any woman that he wanted.
He obviously loved her a lot, and I think it was because she was such a
strong woman. And he's a vegetarian, so that gets him extra points
too. ^_^;; Did I mention Paul is my second favorite? Because
he is. ^_^;; Besides being the REALLY cute one, and his super cool wife,
and being a vegetarian, he was also the other main songwriter/singer besides
John and his influence on the music world was nearly as great. Not
quite, but nearly. ^_^ And how could you not love him in A Hard
Day's Night? With his grandfather, he was just so... awwww. ^_^;;
Starr (Richard Starkey)
I used
to think that Ringo was his real name when I was, like, five. This
amuses me now. ^_^;; Seriously, Ringo is my third favorite.
He was the best actor, and the funny one, and the one that I always felt
sorry for because nobody ever seemed to love him. -_-;; I mean, watch him
in the movies where he always gets made fun of. And John always bombed
him in interviews (Even though it was always funny ^^;;). And he was the
drummer! Nobody ever loves the drummer! With his big sad eyes
and large nose, he always reminded me of a puppy dog that wanted a hug.
^_^;; But everything is Ok, because he's happy and successful and
has a really pretty wife and kids and stuff. I think he grew up the
nicest out of all of the Beatles (Excluding John ;_;). I mean, have
you seen him in that one commercial? Ya know, the one where he's
rhyming and stuff. ^_^;; Does he not look cool? Plus, he was
Mr. Conductor on Shining Time Station, and I used to watch that
all the time when I was little. Doesn't Ringo as Mr. Conductor just
FIT somehow? I don't know how to explain it, but it really makes
sense. ^_^;
is my least favorite, and my mom's favorite. Isn't that just the
way? ^_^ But really, there's not much that I dislike about him. He
was just really quiet, and sort of disappeared after the Beatles split,
and I don't know much about him. He was REALLY hot in the Beatles'
movies. Damn he was hot. But they all were then, except for
poor Ringo who was just sort of Ok, except that he was cute in his puppy
dog way. George is scary looking now; last I saw he had spikey gray
hair and his nose seemed bigger than Ringo's. 0_o; When I asked my
mom why George was her favorite, she responded, "I don't know... George
was just cool I guess." I'm taking this to mean the movies, in which
he was pretty cool (Just not as cool as the others, and especially John,
in my opinion ^_^). I suppose a loose translation of what my mother
MEANT would be, "George was hot. Really hot. REALLY." My mom does
teenybopper very well. I can just see her in the late 60s. ^_^;; He sang
my second favorite Beatles' song though, "I'm Happy Just to Dance With
You." And he sounded JUST like Paul when he sang it. Really.
Except for John, they all sound the same in A Hard Day's Night.
John sounded cooler. ^_^;; I did love George in Yellow Submarine,
but that wasn't George, that was some other guy faking his voice.
The whole, "It's all in the mind," thing makes me laugh every time that
I see it. Then again, I loved pretty much all of Yellow Submarine.
Except for Jeremy. And the Blue Meanies. And Old Fred.
Ok, I only like the parts with the pseudo-Beatles, but they were so great
that I don't mind the rest of the movie and how much it sucked. ^_^; George
is the most predictable too. When I first heard "Within You, Without
You," I knew he had written it. Come on! It was too Indian-y
not to have been written by him. And I like that song a lot. ^_^;;
Beatles Stuff -
this be any cooler?!? ^^;;
all heard of the hamster dance, right...?
Depressing Page
Again! Quotes!
Book, and Cd reviews
Top Ten Beatles' Songs
Yellow Submarine
You've Got to Hide Your Love Away / Ticket to Ride
Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
I Should Have Known Better / All My Loveing
Things We Said Today
I'm Happy Just to Dance With You
A Day in the Life / Within You, Without You
the Monkees. I liked them before the Beatles, because the show was
funny and the songs were ok and Davy was cute and British and... that's
really about it. 0_o;; They were obviously based on the Beatles,
but the main difference between them is that the Monkees didn't really
influence the music world whereas the Beatles changed it forever.
I mean, the Monkees had some nice songs (I'm pretty sure that they didn't
write most of them though, unlike the Beatles). I'm also pretty sure
that they didn't play instruments, at least not at first. But the
main difference for me is that the Beatles in mind will always have an
underlying serious current where I almost feel bad laughing at the movies
and stuff because John is dead. With the Monkees, the show was supposed
to be funny and the members are all still alive and happy and there's no
guilt involved at all. ^_^;;
at Davy. Davy is short and cute and British and you want to give
him a hug. Yes you do. ^_^;; Davy is the reason that I liked
the Monkees in the first place. That and the shows were funny.
Anyway, Davy was the cute one. Literally, that was his character
in the shows. He was always after girls, and they were always after
him. In real life Davy used to be a jockey. Because he's short.
^_^ And he's my favorite Monkee, if you hadn't guessed. His eyes
are pretty!
is the funny Monkee in the shows. He was my mom's favorite, and he's
my second favorite, so I gues we aren't always divided on everything. ^_^;;
I don't like his stupid looking poofy-fro hair in the second season, but
other than that he's cool. Everything that he did was just really
off the wall and funny and Micky. And I find it amusing that he played
"Circus Boy" when he was a kid. ^_^
is my third favorite. He's the straight man, the dry one who has
a great understated humor and who always wears a green knit cap in the
show NO MATTER WHAT. The only reasons he's not my favorite are A.
Davy's cuter and Britisher, B. Micky's funnier, and C. He reminds me of
MY DAD. Ick and a half. Besides, he was really pissy in real life.
But sometimes that's a good thing. ^_^;;
To put it bluntly, in the series Peter was the stupid one. ^_^ He was my
least favorite, but I don't dislike him. In the show he was always
the underdog, sort of the Ringo of the Monkees. And he could be really
funny. ^_^;; Let me make this clear though, he was stupid in the show and
NOT in real life. Ok? Goooood. ^_^;;
Top Ten Monkees' Songs
The Kind of Girl I Could Love
Pleasant Valley Sunday / Goin' Down
Listen to the Band
Auntie Grizelda / No Time
I'm a Believer
I Wanna Be Free
Last Train to Clarksville
Porpoise Song
Daydream Believer |