Don't worry, Johnny Depp isn't the only actor that I like... ^_^;;;

      Eye candy this way --------->

Actually, contrary to the header, no all of the guys here are cute.  Gasp!  But all are great actors, ones that I really like and will watch a movie just to see.  Most of the first ones are cute. ^_^;;;; About the banner up there...  Johnny Depp is kind of my new fascination after seeing Ed Wood and especially Sleepy Hollow.  He creeps me out in real life though...  Anywho, I know all of the girls out there want to get to the guys, and the men are probably sick of my rambling about them.  So get to it then. ^_^ Oh, and Rufus Sewell is the hottest and most talented actor ever.  Just had to get that in there.  More Pictures and actual content coming soon, I promise~!!

Rufus Sewell
From Dangerous Beauty
Frm Dark City
Looking Extremely Pretty
I don't think I like the beard...
It looks better here.
He even plays piano! ^^;;
Johnny Depp
I made this picture, so don't take it por favor. ^^;;
Michael Ball
Those dimples....
I'm so happy!! ^o^
Anthony Crivello
John Partridge
Megan likes this shirt. ^^;;
I made this, and thou shalt not take. ^^;;
Jeff Goldblum
B.D. Wong
Jude Law
James Marsters
Seth Green
Ewan McGregor
Chris Sarandon
Tobey Maguire
Jacob Brent
He's just so cuuuuute..
I made this too.  You know the drill..