I am so happy with that banner, I can't even begin to express it. ^_^;;; Yeah, I know... this is a serious series, so I should be really unfunny here. But I can't, so deal with it. I saw Lain for the first time at Rachel's house, and had to have it. It was so incredibly weird and creepy and cool. For those of you who thought that Evagelion was weird... wow, just wait until you see this. Good thing it was realeased in the US, and I found it at my local Suncoast with no problems. Yay! That never happens. 0_o;; But on to Lain...
The story revolves around the life of a seemingly normal little girl, Iwakura Lain. She's very quiet, shy and removed, but seems no different than anyone else in other respects. She lives with her mother, father, and sister, goes to school, and seems like a perfectly average little girl. But things aren't always as they seem, as Lain find out when a classmate of hers suddenly commits suicide. Out of nowhere, Lain seems to change completely surprising everyone. Of course, no one is more surprised than Lain herself. But is the rest of the world really surprised? Or had Lain been kept in the dark.... ?
Sorry, I can't say anymore than that without giving lots of stuff away. And it's not cool if you don't know what's going on when you watch it! Besides, it's so complicated and weird that lots of people seem to have different ideas on who was what, Lain herself, and the whole series in general. I'm not even sure that I knew what was going on. -_-;; I'll probably have spoilers in the character section. In fact, I'm sure that I will, so read with caution and don't get pissed off if this spoils the series for you. ^_^;;
Spoilers ahoy!! -------->
Profiles coming soon ^_^;;
Iwakura Lain Iwakura Miho Lain's Dad Lain's Mom Alice, Juri, Reika The Cyberia Kids The Knights Masami Eiri The Guys With the Shades |