My Friends' Pages
Lisa's a friend of mine from school. Her site is really good, and
has so much info it's amazing. If you knew Lisa, you wouldn't be surprised.
Of course, you'd know Sayoko if you'd been to any of my anime pages.
She's really like me, and her site is great so go and take a look! ^_^
- Sarah is also a friend from school, and a Sailormoon fan to boot! Check
it out! ^_^;;
- Angie is a friend from school, and she's awesome even if she is a teenybopper.
Musical Related Sites
Krista's Michael Crawford Page
The Phanton of the Opera Nexus
Anime Related Sites
Ex: Online World of Anime and Manga
Sites for Actors/Comedians
Coming soon!!
Sites for Tv Shows and Movies
Coming soon!!
Jpop and Seiyuu Sites
Coming Soon!!
Rocky Horror and Shock Treatment Sites
Coming soon!!
Mythology Sites
Coming soon!!
Disneyworld Sites
Coming soon!!
Miscellaneous Spiffy Sites
Coming Soon!
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