Megan's Lame Theory. -_-;;
John Lennon
Ok, this is lame, I know.  But it's something I've thought about for a while now.  On the right you see John Larson.  On the left you see John Lennon.  Two tragic geniuses who's words spoke of love and peace to a generation.  Two artists who lived just long enough to get their messages across, and then died tragically young.  If you don't know who John Lennon is, you live in a hole. -_-;;  He was murdered at the age of 40.  John Larson wrote the hit musical RENT, and died just before it's premiere at the age of 35.  I've always sort of believed that whether they knew it or not, both were sent by God to get the message of love, peace, and fellowship across in words that the current generation could understand.  I don't know where I got that, I just did. 
John Larson
Like I said, I think waaaaay too much.  But lately I've been thinking that perhaps they were both inspired by the same spirit.  I mean - John L. and John L.  It couldn't be a coincidence, right?  And why else would they be taken from their lives so suddenly and tragically, unless they had completed their tasks and were going home to God?  I'm sure some people will be offended by this idea, or will think I've completely lost it.  But I was terribly sad about both of these deaths, and I think it gives me some comfort to believe that they're with God.  I dunno.
And this doesn't really fit here, but I want to put in a quick word about how incredibly cool Linda McCartney was.  I know I've said it before, but I honestly can't say it enough.  The woman was my hero.  She seemed like such a strong person, and she wasn't afraid to stand up for what she believed in.  I really admire people like that.  Everyone knows she took a lot of crap from Paul's fans, but she put up with it with a lot of grace because she loved him.  And I became a vegetarian because of her, so she really did change my life.  So there. ^^;;