page was sort of added on a whim... Ya see, my parents and I have gone
to Disney World every spring for the last few years, and it really is a
lot of fun. We're bringing my friend Shannon with us this year, and
we plan to keep a trip journal. Since I've seen a lot of similar
journals published on webpages, I thought maybe I'd do the same here.
Of course, that won't be up until after we get back. ^_^;; Until then,
I'll just put up some info on the parks and rides and such, plus some tips
of my own. And please keep in mind that I can't have many pictures
up here, since the Disney Empire (tm) is gung-ho about suing people.
Oh well. I'll be sneaky about it. Enjoy yourselves. ^_^
update. ^_^ Being that it's July now, obviously Shannon and I are
back home. The trip was fantastic, and a journal is in the works
with scanned in pictures and everything. Expect it up in a week or
so, now that I'm out of school and have no more excuses to put my pages
off (Except for laziness). ^_-;;
More coming soon!!
Until then, here's a pic to keep you happy. ^_^
