Rooooooob. ^_^;;  And Pookie. ^_^;;

       The stuff goes in here ~~~~~~~~~>

Why doth this page exist, you ask?  Well... Good Qustion. -_-;;  Seriously, I really wanted to make a page for some of the musicians that I like that weren't from the 60s. ^_^;; We all know that music is the sole reason for my existance.  Or some people knew that and now the rest of you do too.  Whatever.  So this is my tribute to matchbox twenty, the Dave Matthew's Band, and Sarah McLachlan.  All are artists that I admire for their talent and individuality, and all are artists that I think are having a profound effect on music of the 21st century by coming with unusual and creative sounds outside of the norm.  Gah.  That was dry.  The whole page won't be like that, I promise.  Just keep reading. ^_^;;

Ummm.... I'll get stuff up here eventually.  Really.  Trust me. ^_^;; But in the mean time, look at my top ten songs lists, 'kay?  Seriously, do it.  Now.  Right Now.-->

Matchbox 20 Songs
10.  Leave / Stop
9.  Crutch / Damn
8.  Bed of Lies / Bent
7.  3 am
6.  Busted
5.  Hang / You Won't Be Mine
4.  Rest Stop / Angry
3.  Smooth (Not matchbox twenty, but still... ^_^;;)
2.  Push
1.  Long Day

dmb Songs
10.  I'll Back You Up / Long Black Veil
9.  The Last Stop / Spoon
8.  Don't Drink the Water
7.  Rapunzel
6.  #36 / The Song that Jane Likes
5.  What Would You Say? / Crush
4.  Ants Marching
3.  Lover Lay Down
2.  The Dreaming Tree
1.  All Along the Watchtower

Sarah M. Songs
10.  Out of the Shadows
9.  Gloomy Sunday
8.  Song Fpr a Winter's Night
7.  VOX
6.  Drawn to the Rhythm
5.  Into the Fire
4.  I Will Remember You
3.  Building a Mystery
2.  Angel
1.  Full of Grace