the blonde who's eyes are blocked, the other is my best friend Shannon.
is us on vacation in Florida, May 2000. Specifically at the Sci-fi
Dine In at the MGM Studios. ^_^
F***ed Up Theory
really that interested in me, huh? Well, let's see... I'm a Junior
at Hartford Union High School in Wisconsin, USA. I'm not really good
with computers, but I've always been artistic and I thought that it might
be fun to have my own site. I think I'm getting the hang of it, but
slowly... Anyway, I'm very shy even though I don't usually act like it.
I always think that I'm making a fool of myself, but nobody else ever seems
to notice. ^_^ As you can tell from the main page, I'm into stuff like
musicals, movies, anime, mythology, and the like. Here I'll introduce
you to my personality by showing off these and everything else I like in
detail... Be afraid....... Be very afraid....... 0_o;;;;;; Oh, and
about my nickname sorellie... I picked that because she's one of the ballerinas
in The Phantom of the Opera and she's bitchy and cool so there. ^_^;
But first, HI to all
of my friends!!
Rachel B., Lisa W., Shannon R., Melissa D., Sarah D., Jacqueline V., Chantal
M., Heather S., Alyssa R., Casey K., Erbec A., Effery L., Andrea S., Anna
N., Maria G., Melissa G., Katie S., Elodie B., Andrea L., Liz H., Amy V.,
Shannon S., Mike S., Jessica D., Erik O., Karen K., Jessie L., Kassy H.,
Andy L., Patrick E., Nathan T., Lindsay J., Emanuelle C., Amy S., Emily
L., Erin B., Alyson L., Jenny J., Jenny D., Amanda T., Natalie R., Amy
S., Oliver S., Amber F., Brooke H., Wren-san , Dan-o, Anyone that I stupidly
forgot... You know who you are. ^_-
My Current Obsessions
(As in the last few weeks...)----->
1. Rob
Thomas, and the rest of matchbox 20
2. Johnny
Depp, but only in Sleepy Hollow
Illuminata (Rufus Sewell!! Genki!! ^_^;)
Joesph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
For some
reason I can't get these things out of my mind. I've seen Sleepy
Hollow a few times, and it's haunted me ever since. Besides, I've
never laughed that hard at a movie before. ^_^ And Johnny Depp is really
skanky looking in really life. I've NEVER BEEN a fan of his.
But he's such a good actor in this, and so hot it's amazing. Maybe
it's the lighting? And then there's Rob Thomas, my newest pick for
the Hottest Guy Alive Award (tm). And his voice, and their music
is so great. But the best part is the lyrics. Any guy that
could write lyrics like that must be incredible, and it sucks that he's
married and completely unattainable. ^_^;; Illuminata is a movie
about a play that takes place in Victorian times. Rufus Sewell, my
all time favorite actor and an incredible hot guy is a lead in it.
FUNNY movie, don't listen to people who call it an art film. -_-;;
Joesph is something I've always liked, and especially with Donny Osmond.
I got the movie version the day it came out, and it was really well done!
Yay! And finally, the Beatles. Actually, I've been obsessed
with John Lennon nearly all my life. He's my idol because he was
such a complicated genius. I just started liking all the others recently,
and they're all pretty damn cool. So there. ^_^;;
Stuff I Like in General
LENNON, Penguins, ducks, Pirate Pete, anime, Jpop, playing the violin,
short distance running and swimming, any kind of dance but mostly ballet,
musicals except Rogers and Hammerstein (Carosuel excluded), basketball,
farms, hiking, cross country skiing, pretty guys, Kyle the Kite, MST3K,
Monty Python, going to Perc Place or the movies with my friends, thinking
about the future, dreaming about seeing the world, actually travelling,
my science teacher who used to be a lumberjack, Old Navy, 60s music, yoga,
pretending to pimp Erbec, arguing with Shannon and/or Casey, any kind of
music ever, dissing cellos in general, raquetball, history, painting and
being creative, sleeping and procrastinating, Greek and Roman mythology,
the GAP, coffee talk - celebrity jepordy - the ambiguously gay duo - and
the guy who lives in a van down by the river, Calling Alyssa Muff-muff,
cows, The Divine Comedy, Christmas, the Beatles, guitar, snow, My dog Farley,
Jazz and swing, French, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, matchbox 20 Sarah McLaughlin
and Dave Matthew's Band, Goodbye Earl,Talking on the phone until my dad
kicks me off, I could go on and I'm sure you care. ^_^
Stuff I Can't Stand
DYLAN, The Backstreet Boys, N'Sync, Britney Spears, and other singers with
no talent, stupid questions (And yes, I firmly believe that there is such
a thing), stuck up and rude people, Honors Algebra, my scary gym teacher,
closed minded people, war, warm winters, Living in the middle of nowhere,
Being tired, bitter coffee, spam, Zippo the riding hippo, being short,
people who try to force their beliefs on others, onions, long car trips,
Rogers and Hammerstein, Babysitting my little cousins and not getting paid
for it... Did I mention Bob Dylan?
All the Rest
see... As far as music goes, my favorite groups in English are:
Dave Matthew's Band / the Beatles
matchbox 20/ Sarah McLachlan / Jimi Hendrix / Paula Cole
Gaelic Storm / Loreena McKennitt / Vertical Horizon
No Doubt / Counting Crows / Creed / Red Hot Chili Peppers
BoA / Goo Goo Dolls
Cherry Poppin' Daddies / Manhattan Transfer / Samantha Siva
Avalon / Monkees / Collective Soul
Third Eye Blind / 3 Doors Down / Lara Fabian
Jamiroquai / Savage Garden / Tori Amos / Green Day
David Bowie / Sting / Ricky Martin (Only to keep Lisa happy. ^_^;;)
performers that I like best right now are:
Arai Akino / Sakamoto Ma'aya / Yuko Sasaki / Cocco
Hamazaki Ayumi / L'Arc en Ciel
SPEED / Fukada Kyoko / Yonekura Chihiro
Namie Amuro / Curio
Utada Hikaru / Puffy
Morning Musume
Bonnie Pink
T.M. Revolution
Suzuki Ami
My favorite
colors are white and off-white. I like black too, and browns... Yeah,
I know that's really boring. I'm a vegetarian, but not a vegan.
And I don't eat much. ^_^ I want to act in musicals when I grow up, and
to live in England and to marry a guy with a British accent. That's
my dream. Yep. Still interested? ^_^ Well, I have a really
cute mutt named Farley. He's part springer spaniel. And then
there's my devil-cat Wakko who likes to make funny yoweling noises, and
attack people. Lovely. Oh, and I play violin, acoustic guitar,
and piano. I wish I had taken viola, so I'm working on learning it
now. Isn't that exciting. And my favorite song ever is Lover
Lay Down by Dave Matthew's Band. That's gonna play at my wedding.
^_^;; My favorite actor / hot guy is Rufus Sewell, who's followed
closely by Johnny Depp, Tobey Maguire, Jude Law, and Ewan McGregor.
And my favorite comedian NOT IN MONTY PYTHON OR BEST BRAINS INC is Greg
Proops or Mitch Hedberg. They're both so funny! Actually, Lewis
Black and Jon Stewart are hilarious too. I can't decide. ^_^ More
of my favorite stuff is here. ^_^
My favorite
musicals as of now are:
By Jeeves / Kiss me Kate
The Phantom of the Opera
Les Miserables / Myths and Hymms
Aspects of Love / Singin' in the Rain
Joesph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
She Loves Me / Hello Dolly
Gigi / The Fantasticks
Carousel / Crazy for You
Movies right now are:
Sleepy Hollow / A Hard Day's Night / Dogma
Life of Brian / Breakfast at Tiffany's / Illuminata
Dangerous Beauty / Yellow Submarine
Singin' in the Rain / Sabrina
Amadeus / Mary Poppins
Sense and Sensibility
Mr. Holland's Opus / Gigi
MST3K the Movie / Kiss Me Kate
Dark City / The Princess Bride
Emma / Cold Comfort Farm / Ever After
I really
couldn't deicide on that one. ^_^ Oh, my favorite animals are ducks
and penguins and my favorite Tv shows are Daria, Titus, and That 70s Show.
But I never have enough time to watch Tv, so I rarely see anything good
these days... -_-;; My favorite composers are Britten, Jenkins, Bach,
Mozart, Kanno, and Mussorgsky. And one last favorites list comin'
up ----------->
My favorite
anime series right now
Rurouni Kenshin / Glass Mask
Cowboy Bebop / Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou
Slayers Next / Card Captor Sakura
Shoujo Kakumei Utena / Serial Experiments Lain
Hime-chan no Ribbon / Fancy Lala
Rose of Versailles / Daughter of the Nile
7. Escaflowne
/ Hana Yori Dango
Kodacha no Omacha / Video Girl Ai
Fushigi Yuuigi / Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
Please Save My Earth / Kyuuketsuki Miyu
Couldn't decide there... ^_^
about it. Go away. ^_^;; |