You curse yourself for your stupidity. Your first trip to London, and you've already gotten yourself lost in the subway tunnels on the first day! But you keep on walking, knowing that standing still will get you nowhere (bad pun -_-;;). After nearly an hour you reach a crossroad of four tunnels. Puzzled and disheartened, you stand there dumbly wondering which tunnel to take. Maybe, you think, if you wait long enough, some sort of sign will make up your mind on a choice of a direction for you to take...
After a few moments, you catch a glimpse of a rat running through the sewer into the first tunnel. There are legends that underground rats are lucky. Will you chase the rat?
A few moments more, and a strange looking yellow object floats past you into the second tunnel. It almost looks like... a submarine? And is that music that you're hearing? Maybe it's just your imagination. Perhaps you should check to be sure...
You hear the sound of a man's footsteps running behind you. Turning to ask him for help in finding your way back the subway station, you just manage to catch a glimpse of a handsome but somewhat sloppy looking man in a eighteenth century-style overcoat before he shoves past you and into the third tunnel. Maybe you could catch up if you follow him. Well?
It's been hours since you've gotten lost, and you're beginning to go a little funny in the head. A parrot flies past you into the fifth tunnel and that doesn't seem strange at all. After it comes a lumberjack, a tall man in a suit, and finally a guy that looks like someone straight out of the Spanish Inqusition. You're running out of tunnels, and so insane by now that following them seems like a good idea. Why the Hell not?
After trying each of the tunnels, and dealing with the strangeness inside of them, you come to the conclusion that none of them lead back to the subway station. But... hey, wait a minute. Why don't you just go backwards the way you came? That must lead to the surface eventually! You beat yourself over the head for being such a moron, and then you turn and head back.