Welcome to the new strawberry-buttercup scented layout ^_^

anime series
- ruruken and ouke no monshou
- sailormoon and fushigi yuuigi
- wedding peach & ririka sos
- utena and weiss krutz
- rayearth and x/1999
- slayers and lost universe
- escaflowne and sakura taisen
- hime-chan and fancy lala
- rov and glass no kamen
- hanadan and marmalade boy
- miyu and jeanne
- psme and video girl ai
- kodomo no omocha & karekano
- himiko-den and cowboy bebop
- card captor sakura and lain

other features
- comedians
- actors and hotties
- jpop, seiyuu, and the like
- rocky horror and shock treatment
- matchbox 20, dmb, and sarah m. 
- london fog
- ff7 movie cast
- ff8 movie cast
- favorite anime couples
- greek and roman myths
- walt disney world trip 2000 diary
- musical theater
- like father, like son
- gaelic storm
- sniff, sniff

- cds
- tv shows
- books
- movies

boring stuff
- about moi, megan aka sorelli
- sign guestbook
- view guestbook
- links
- webrings
- salvia@netwurx.net

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Kawaii desu!! ^_^;;

Hitomi-chan from Tenkuu no Escflowne

flowery spring and summer version 2.0
this page is strawberry-buttercup scented

Yay!!  It's Adam from Matchbox 20!!  We love you Adam... But we love Rob more...*_*;;

Kawaii Miho-chan from Fancy Lala ^_^;;

What is this?! Freefly... . Ricky Martin! //. -µ Backstreet Babes µ- ~*Giddy up with bsb and nsync*~ [the button box] Crystal Tokyo ¨# Peppy the Puppy! #¨